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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Trial Class @ Tumbletots

Papa Eric offered to join us for this trial class coz after previous trial classes, I always complaint that my friends' hubby are all so supportive and I bet people will mistaken me for a single mum.

Hee hee..

We managed to get there just on time after rushing to get ready and trying to locate the place.

To our dismay, the equipment is quite rundown unlike Gymboree's. It is mostly made of wood unlike the other which is padded. Also, the air-con is not cold enough.

Anyway, we had a great time!

Here's baby Isabelle trying to smack Gladys' botak head and baby Dillion innocently looking away.

Baby get to 'enjoy' a massage from dearest Mummy. But they don't look like they enjoyed it, do they?

How much hard work there is just to entertain our little precious ones. All mummies working out.

Mummy with Baby!

She seems happier with Daddy. Ok, fine!

With dear Daddy on the trampoline.

Again with dear Daddy on the walking platform.

And again with dear Daddy while climbing up the slide. Cheater bug, use handphone to attract her to climb forward.

Finally she realises that she still loves Mummy the most and wanna jump out from Daddy's grasp. Hee hee..

Anyway, I really love to see how much closer they are now than ever before. These are the 2 persons I love most! Look how comfortable Gladys is with Papa Eric.

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